

发布时间: 2024-05-06 07:06:37北京青年报社官方账号





"Europe's strength lies in core technologies and its traditional vertical sectors such as automation, industrial robotics and other manufacturing, but the datasets on which they can work are greatly dwarfed by those available in China," said Gambardella, during the ongoing China International Big Data Industry Expo in Guiyang, Guizhou province.


"E-commerce is going to be a highlight of the future of the 1850-founded company. We'll make our business well connected with it," Lau said. "Our customers will not only be able to buy things off Lane Crawford's online shop, no matter where they are, but also gain full access to our fashion categories to stay ahead of the latest trends."


"F1 racing represents the highest level in automobile technology. We are pleased to see that the innovation-driven growth of CITIC Dicastal over the past 29 years has won the recognition of such an established engineering company. We will carry on technical innovation in pursuit of more impressive performances in F1," Wang Jiong, vice-chairman and CEO of CITIC Group, said on Sunday.


"Economic transformation is the key feature of the present. In a world that for decades has been hinging on the economic primacy of the US, now the European Union and China are two( of the) biggest economies," Prodi said.


"Either people are careless about it and hurt people's feelings, or they are overly cautious and patronizing," he added. "So I think the only way to get into that sensible middle ground between the two is to talk about it openly, about my experiences, about my thoughts and also to give people a break – people who always think they are on the edge of being culturally or racially insensitive – to kind of get on their side a little and show them they don't have to worry so much. So that's the line I am trying to tread."


